Monday, 9 May 2011

First few days

So finally we can play catch-up. I was picked up at the airport by Leo and Linus, and together we took a cab to the hotel. The hotel was quite fancy even for western standards, and we paid a reasonable amount of 300 Baht per person (about 8 euros). The first night was celebrated at full calibre, exploring the interesting nightlfe of Bangkok.

Day 2 we booked our train tickets for Laos - a 12 hour journey. The train would depart 20.00 the next day, so we still had one night left in Bangkok. The taxi drivers are very keen to help - even though they have no idea what you are saying. We asked one driver that evening to take us to a specific "discodancingbar"; nodding and repeating the word "yes" he started driving in the wrong direction. He took us to a place called "Snop" (swedish word for penis), and we thought it couldn't get better.

Now we're in Vang Vieng, Laos. It took in total 16 hours to get here. After the train journey we split a mini van (basically a 4-by-4 range rover) with a dutch entrepreneur, a weird german and his little thai boy. This is the place for Tubing - a strange local tourist activity whereby you sit in a rubber ring, floating in the lagoon and getting hauled in by various beer-generous bars. today is rainy however, so it will have to wait until tomorrow.

Pictures will come shortly!


1 comment:

  1. "Snop" "Wierd German and his little Thai boy" Loving it! could not have made this up. Looking forward to more tales and pics. Kimx
